Modern communications technologies such as TASSTA are having a profound impact on a variety of business processes helping them improve the quality and efficiency of their communications, increasing the workers safety and significantly lowering the deployment and maintenance costs.

The use of broadband based communications solution enables features such as voice, video, multimedia messaging, lone worker protection, panic button that can be adapted and configured specifically to work as required in the different market verticals.

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Effective and reliable communication is what Police needs. Their communication solution needs to be always functional and ready for use. TASSTA Man-down/Lone worker protection module provides an automatic emergency communication in situations where the officer is unable to trigger a manual emergency.


The working conditions of the army are variable and hazardous. TASSTA scalable and powerful server guarantees low latency voice and data transfer without limitation on the number or users and groups.


Emergency services personnel need to be able to resolve incidents in a fast and organized way. TASSTA dynamic group functionality allows dispatchers to reorganize communications in real time when responding to an incident downloading new groups over-the-air to multiple devices at the same time.


The agriculture industry today has developed outstanding ways to protect the environment and be productive at the same time. Remote areas with difficult access where the most important practices are raising animals or growing crops require real communication and real time localization. 

The use of automated agricultural vehicles typicall involves the deployment of private broadband networks that can also be used for broadband based PTT applications such as TASSTA without the need to deploy additional radio networks.


Airports are small cities featuring all critical services and getting crowdier every year. Security communications and panic button solutions with indoor localization are used by retail personnel, private security companies, cleaning and maintenance crews. For airlines the airport is not anymore isolated, broadband based solutions provide communication into the airport staff from HQs or anywhere that is needed.

Getting an airplane out of the gate on time requires coordination between the airline, fueling services, catering,... with TASSTA dynamic regrouping multiple teams get assigned to an specific plane, when it takes off the system can reassign each of them to the next incoming plane.


Construction sites gather multiple workers in a reduced and hazardous environment. Full duplex communications (no need to press PTT) are appreciated when communications take place while operating machines or tools that require both hands. TASSTA unique approach to both private and conference bidirectional calls makes it unique in the market.


TASSTA provides tracking capabilities for both personnel and tasks ensuring that the last mile service keeps improving everyday. The task management module allows the dispatcher to assign tasks and routes that can be updated with the feedback from the users delivering the goods.


TASSTA’s Lone Worker Protection (LWP) is a rescue shield for people who are working in dangerous environments. Your team can feel secure while going about their day-to-day duties and responding to typical critical situations.

Create a mobile WiFi cell and pair TASSTA software application with an Intrinsecally secure device so getting back to your teammates or fire truck base is not compromised. 


Event management requires the deployment of communication solutions on a temporary basis. TASSTA broadband based PTT solution is easy to deploy and provides communication capabilities as well as emergency management functionalities for security and operational staff. The ability to integrate video feeds into TASSSTA T.Rodon dispatch solution increases the capacity of the filed personnel to comunicate incidents.


Hospitals and medical centers are 24/7 facilities where there is a continuous activity to give patients care and treatment. The personnel is always in need of great and effective communication to control every single eventuality. TASSTA’s mission is to support these leading medical customers by providing a simple, easy-to-use communications system that offers Push-to-Talk capabilities for security and maintenance personnel while providing a panic button solution paired with indoor localtion on their existing devices for nurses and doctors. 


In big public areas and, if children are inside, it is always essential to maintain all your security staff and the rest of the administrative personnel connected. Ensure the control of any eventuality and get real time localization and video feeds from all your employees inside and around the working environment with TASSTA. 

Simple panic button alerts paired with live audio and video increases efficiency when dealing with critical incidents such as active shooter situations while providing external agencies such as police an accurate and immediate report of what is happening inside.


Stay in contact with your entire team, control routes and keep your workforce secure in any part of the world. TASSTA gives you the possibility to control the efficiency of your processes using real time task management integrated into the communications and localization application.


Roads, faraway destinations, crossing oceans or continents? Feel close to your team while being away from them with worldwide coverage. TASSTA will accompany you and your workforce on any journey and in any way. Get our easy-to-use TASSTA solutions using any available data network public or private and stay connected and tuned in with your team, no matter the distance.

TASSTA Android based solutions allows the reuse of existing barcode scanners as communication devices, no need to use a separate radio communication device.


Track your vehicles and immediately get alerted if there is an alteration of the planned route using TASSTA geo-fencing functionality. For critical events in the vehicle TASSTA covert emergency sends ambience audio and video to the control room without signaling the emergency trigger on the device.

Automatic assign call requests from the trains or buses into the designated dispatcher based on geo-localization improving the efficiency and response times without manual intervention.


Always remain in touch with dispatch and teammates. Allow your security guards to stay connected and track their location in real time with checkpoints to immediately detect any abnormal situation. TASSTA real-time push-to-video functionality provides the security personnel the ability to quickly share incident information with their colleagues.


Effectiveness is key for any governmental organization. TASSTA provides a great communication system, excellent security and emergency tools and very innovative and easy-to-use features to keep your organization safe, interconnected and under control.